Rose New Dawn
Rose Julio Iglesias
Mawar Hitam/ Black Baccara
Mawar Ungu / Rose Violet Parfume
Modern roses / modern garden roses (Eng) / rosiers Modernes (Fr). The period begins when the modern rose cultivars dimunculkannya rose "La France" in 1867. La France roses are the result of the work of Jean-Baptiste Guillot, a rosieriste (expert on roses and rose breeders) from Lyon, France. La France is a cross between Madame Victor Verdier Rose and Rose or Rose Madame Bravy or Madame Falcot. The characteristics of modern roses: flowering double / compact, the number reached 60 petal petal lot more even, continuous flowering, there is a fragrance that does exist.
Modern roses are subdivided into:* Hybrida Tea / Hybrid Tea (Eng) / Hybrid de The (Fr): Flower large, single stem, many color variations, commonly used as a cut rose.
* Polyantha and floribunda, is a rose with the interest group / group. Used as roses for ground cover / ground Covered (Eng) / couvre-sols (Fr), in a public garden or park is used as a massive roses.
Grandiflora: As the name implies is a large flowering roses. The difference with Hybrida tea, grandiflora flowers may be single but could also be some flowers on one stalk.
Rose Mini / Miniature Roses (Eng), Rosier Nains (Fr): Mini Rose flowers small size, flocking, plant size is also small. Usually used as a potted roses.Rose vine or creeper / Climbing or Rambling Rose (Eng) / Rosiers Grimpants / Rampants or Rosiers Lierres (Fr). Because of this rose can propagate and spread then used to decorate the fence and pergola. If allowed to propagate dipohon several types of roses can reach a height of 20 m!. These roses can be used as roses or Rosier Rosier tiges pleurers
* Home Rose / David Austin: Type of English roses, many types, some hybrid tea category is a grandiflora. This is the result of breeding roses David Austin, who crossed the ancient rose with floribunda or hybrid tea.
* Canadian Hardy Roses: These roses are created for the climate of North America / Canada is cold and snowy, in order to adapt to the cold climate.
* Rose Landscape / Landscape Roses: Roses landscape created for use in a public park / public park. Characteristics only require little maintenance, resistance to pests and diseases.
Another classification is based on plant size, flowering frequency and size of interest: there is a large flowering shrub roses, flowering shrubs bloom continuously large, continuous flowering climbing roses, climbing roses bloom once a year, ground cover roses bloom once and continuous flowering ground cover, flowering shrub roses groups, etc..