Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

How A Graphic Design Degree Covers A Wider Range Of Careers Than You Might Think

By Lillie D. Larsen

Graphic design may seem like a rather targeted field to get into to some people, but in truth, a graphic design degree is very versatile and can help you get a job in any of a number of different careers. Yes, for the most part, you'll be working on a computer to create a work of art for one reason or another, but there is a shocking variety of careers that such a skill actually applies to.

One of the largest industries around now days is advertising, since it helps lift and sustain most of the other industries, and advertisements wouldn't exist as they do without a good team of designers. If you were to become a graphic designer you could be the person who illustrates that full page advertisement seen in all the best magazines or the designer for the billboards jutting up along all the major highways and interstates, and you could make a good living in the process.

Obviously, it takes a great deal more than just some colorful advertisements to sell a product, and companies need to be recognized as a brand people know and trust. There is little denying that the majority of consumers seem to recognize images much easier than they can recall a company's name, so companies will hire graphic design teams to make them a logo, among other things, that will help them become more identifiable to the consumer.

Web design is something that a graphic artist could get into as well, because web design requires a lot of intricate details when it comes to developing a great looking site. With all the web stores and informational web pages, too many companies are requiring an extraordinary website that can catch people's attention. At the end of the day there are probably too many new web pages to count, and since someone has to be doing the graphic design for those pages, it's easy to see that there is a lot of work in this field for anyone interested.

Magazines, newspapers, and other types of print wouldn't exist without the graphic designers that create the layouts and the artwork for the things they publish. If you just took a moment to consider all of the different publications that are being sent out each month you would realize that there is plenty of opportunity in this particular field.

Keep in mind that these are just a handful of the careers one could pursue after getting their graphic design degree. If you did go after and earn such a degree, you would have a great deal of opportunities opened up before you, making it easier to find a job that you enjoy.

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