Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

What You Need To Know About Genital Herpes

By Chris Fargas

What genital herpes is. Well, genital herpes is considered to be a sexually transmitted disease caused by herpes simplex viruses type I and type II. But it is usually caused by HS-II virus. Most people who are infected with HSV-I and/or HSV-II barely show any symptoms of the disease.

Herpes simplex type I and type II virus are usually formed in blisters and sores however they can also be found in outbreaks without lesiosn. The main way to contract this disease is by having sexual intercourse with someone who already has HSV-II. The most usual type brought on by HSV-2 is female genital herpes. Plus, it is easier for the man to infect a woman than the other way around.

It usually takes 2-20 days, but sometimes even weeks, from the time of contact for genital herpes to develop. These symptoms are not that severe. How severe the it may be depends on whether or not the individual has partial immunity. During the primary phase, anywhere between 10-21 days from direct contact, sore will start to show.

Below are indications of genital herpes:

-Inflamed lymph glands

-Painful sensation around the blisters

-Muscle pain


-Back ache particularly in the lower part


-Abnormal penile and vaginal discharges

-Burning sensation upon urination due to urethral infection

-Burning sensation in genitals

-Little red bumps in the genital region and would lead to very painful blisters, sores, scabs, and then heals later on.

There may not be a cure just yet, however, there are ways to relieve the symptoms such as taking antiviral drugs. To stop the virus from infecting more areas, one can take steroid therapy.

But the best way to avoid catching this disease it to have sexual contact with only one partner who has been checked and proven to be safe or to avoid sexual contact all together.

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